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 News Archive 2020

CDC warned earlier on that there could be a Cornavirus outbreak
by Nathan'ette Burdine: March 4, 2020 Updated-March 5, 2020

Back in January of this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned the American public that there could be an outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The CDC is quoted as saying, “Americans should be prepared for the possibility of a (COVID-19) outbreak in their community.”

Related-The number of coronavirus cases in the United States are above 300

Now, if y’all have been listening to President Donald Trump and the other locos on the internet, then y’all wouldn’t know that the CDC let everybody know that an outbreak was coming.

Donald Trump told folks all they have to do is put some heat on the Coronavirus and it will go away, while the other locos have been running around telling folks that bleach will cure them faster than the healing hands of Jesus cured the leprosy man.

And y’all know how a lot of these humans are. They think that if they take the heat and add it to the bleach, then VOILA they have a cure! The thought never crosses their minds that heat plus bleach has a 0% rate of curing humans who are ill.

What heat and bleach will always do, however, is place living human beings in a Lazarus like state that will require the healing hands of Jesus to get them to awake.

So, don’t try any of that stuff because Jesus isn’t getting off his beach towel to save foolish humans who kill themselves with a deadly concoction.

Jesus will just look at that as his Daddy’s self-destruct button working right.

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